Dynamic tower forge of empire
Dynamic tower forge of empire

If you’re truly lucky, you can get folks on your friend list who have the GB(s) you want, and you’ll be able to place for rewards on their GB(s). Less active and/or less supportive guilds make this more difficult, but not impossible.

dynamic tower forge of empire

In a really active guild with a lot of support this is not an issue. The best way to do this is to be in a very supportive guild with players who have the GB(s) you’re looking for, so that you can place on their GB to earn the BPs as a reward. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t have the BPs for the GB you want to plant. The first step in this equation, of course, is getting the BPs. It just takes a little work and some fiscal responsibility with FPs. I’m happy to tell you though, that you can also have GBs in your city that are ahead-of-age. Worry not, you aren’t alone in those thoughts. It may have made you initially think “Cheater! They’ve hacked the game!”, or perhaps you were just very jealous but also confused as to how that happens. You may have seen one, a city that’s only in Iron Age and yet somehow it has an Arc, which is from FE.

Dynamic tower forge of empire